Why impacte

Expertise Based on History and Experience

impacte is in a unique position to do the job of warehouse management

impacte operated over 30 facilities in Canada, US and Puerto Rico for its parent company. Each of these companies was overseen with a different plant manager and all of their procedures were identical. Yet they provided 30 different results month after month similar to most large companies. What impacte found was that there are two unique challenges in running a business. One was the human element and the other was that we did not have a system to measure all of our activities. impacte created a solution for both. impacte found:

  • Managing people is the most complex element in a business
  • Providing real time feedback to employees is critical
  • Most companies do not measure in real time ALL of the activities that its employees were performing
  • By not having this measurement the problems continued and got larger until they were found, whether that was at the end of the month or quarter etc.
  • It found that every problem was a result of someone not doing what they were supposed to or that the procedure was not correct.
  • Couple that with not having a system to track these mistakes / issues was costing them millions of dollars, just like most large companies

impacte invested a lot of time and money developing its management system that can track and measure in real time all the elements in a business. It solved the problem of ‘’you can’t manage what you don’t measure. ‘’

impacte can use our system inside and outside of just about any company. When utilized, our system will save your company 20% to 50% of what it’s costing you to run your business by reducing/eliminating the mistakes in your organization. For each mistake, there are two costs. One is the cost of the mistake and the other is the cost of fixing the mistake. In larger companies, these mistakes can add up to millions of dollars per year.

You are not alone in having these problems as most companies in our experience all have the same problem of not providing consistent, real-time feedback to its staff. Imagine how much time you would save if you did not have to manage your staff daily. If your company is looking for a world-class way to manage and measure its staff, as well as having consistent and predictable results month after month, look no further than impacte.

impacte‘s Niche Approach

impacte‘s services are focused on one niche in the market, Inventory Management, and Warehouse Operations.  This focused approach brings a wealth of flexibility and knowledge that meets goals:

  • Impacte is similar to a tug boat helping a cruise ship coming in from the ocean and safely getting it into the designated dock.
  • In the case of large cruise ship it does what it was built to do.
  • It's core business is bringing people out on the ocean and visiting various ports to let the passengers visit places they may not have seen before.
  • The tug boat's core business is focused on helping large ships maneuver well in the tight confines of the port to get it safely docked.
  • The cruise ship needs the specialized vessel that help it maneuver in tight quarters.
  • The tugboat is not very effective in the open seas. That's the place the cruise ship is built and organized to operate in effectively.
  • Dealing the minutiae of getting a warehouse to operate effectively it is not what a large company does proficiently.
  • Operating with changing schedules, late deliveries, poor quality, inaccurate BOM's, customers pressuring sales to move their order up several days requires specialized skills.
  • These are the challenges an outside nimble company with a scalable system that concentrates on these issues can out perform the larger company whose focus in manufacturing and production.
  • The small issues could cause major losses to a company in scrapping obsolete material, expensive manufacturing going lines down, large expediting bills, damaged product and others.